Qeng demos

NOTE: Qeng is currently in the process of migrating development to Quantonium. Some demos may be in an unstable state as preparations are made to support the engine open source with proper documentation and stability.

If any demos aren't working here, please try running them on the beta website page instead.

infinite maze
chess board
maze (no textures)
maze (textured, postprocess test)
birthday cake
(new!) another postprocess test using time


Q engine, or Qeng, is an open source WebGL 3D game engine in active development. The engine started as a final project for an intro to computer graphics class, and is since being updated with the goal of developing a highly versatile 3D engine, providing developers a wide range of capabilities to make 3D games and programs, designed in a modular manner intended to ease development.

Current features:

Future/in development features: